Sunday, 19 May 2013

Play - is it part of the 'Fun Theory'?

On Friday we used Edvard De Bono's Thinking Hats to think about 'The Fish Philosophy' element of 'Play'. As a class we discussed the information (white hat) provided about Play.  Then in our teams we were each given a different coloured hat, to

Play encourages creativity and fun through:

Curiosity. Play is the spirit that drives the curious mind. It unleashes our imagination.

Freedom to innovate.  It’s fun trying to find a better or new way when you aren't worried about being criticized, ridiculed or punished. Every experience is a learning opportunity. Mistakes are acknowledged and valued as a way to learn.

Freedom to be you. Play is being secure to be yourself and engage others.

Trust and the playing field. When there is mutual agreement about the boundaries of the “playing field” everyone feels more confident to create.
Environment. How playful and colourful in the physical and emotional space in which you work? Does if feel safe? Does it promote creativity and trust?

Here are some of the ideas we had about Play in Room 2:

Can 'Play' be used in real life? Watch this video about speed cameras, then you can decide.


  1. Great to see this tied in with the thinking hats and can play be effective - I believe that it absoluetly can. What about googles twenty percent rule? Could that work with your class?
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.

    1. I would love to learn more about Google's 20% rule. Can you point me in the direction of a good website?

  2. Yes it can... That was an awesome idea I would love to do that one day. :)
