Thursday, 21 November 2013

End of term typing challenge

At the end of this term, (#gigtownpmn) we are going to have an online typing challenge. Over the next few weeks you can practice typing using any of the games from this website or nitrotype.

For all the details, check out the Edmodo assignment here.


  1. Looks like the typing competitions would be fun! An excellent way to speed up your typing, and improve your skills. May even have a go myself. James (Trinity's Dad)

    1. Hi Trinity's Dad, Thanks for commenting on our blog! We would love to hear how you get on with your typing. Can you let us know which game you play and your highest score ? I wonder who will be faster at typing, you or Trinity?

      Mrs Bradshaw
      Room 2
      Ross Intermediate
      New Zealand

  2. Hey Rm2,

    I think that these activities are awesome and there a great way of learning to type fast, I think that the type race at the end of the term will be fun.

    Ross Intermediate
