On a Friday we have lots of kids coming and going from class, as lots of sports and culture activities take place. This means it is a great opportunity for us to manage our time and get different things that we have been working on during the week, completed.
Our priorities include:
Priority 1 Very Important and Urgent
Dropbox folder
Yellow Pages ad Maths board work - partitioning (including marking our work, using a calculator)
Priority 2 Urgent and somewhat Important
Laptop Cover
Confiscation box letters
Describe and explain Homer Simpson eating chips in space. See YouTube clip
Priority 3 Not urgent and a little important
Scrabble Dash Upwords
Ruling up maths book
Setting up next week in homework book
Priority 4 Not urgent, and not important
Uno stacko
Cleaning out tote tray
But before that, we do team maths.
In our Fish Philosophy teams we work together to solve problems.
In assembly Mr Codyre has been showing inspirational videos. This week Charlotte explored the internet looking for inspirational videos. She choose this on to share on our blog.
The first 2 students to explain (remember explain means to give plenty of detail) how this video made them feel will win a Hunger Games Calendar each.
Check out this week's homework on our homework page. Having trouble getting your homework done?? Here are some great time for getting homework done, on Threedom's blog
If we don't follow school rules in class, Mrs Bradshaw will write our name on the board. Then we will have to stay in during morning tea or lunch to complete a Behaviour Reflection sheet. If we continue misbehaving in Room 2 or during technology then we will get a detention and lose two credits. Second detention = a phone call to our parents/caregivers... you don't want to know what happens after that (ask a Year 8, I'm sure they will be able to tell you how unpleasant it can get)
Did you forget to bring your PE uniform to school? Is it in the wash?
Physical Education and Games are on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - you need to bring your PE uniform to school on all 3 days.
If you have a valid reason for not bringing your PE uniform, ask a parent/caregiver to email or write a note to Mrs Bradshaw otherwise you will have to fill out the PE contract in your Homework book, get a parent/caregiver to read it and sign it and bring it back to school. If you don't bring it back to school the next day, you will receive a detention.
In Room Two, we use the POWER of TWO (or more) to keep out classroom neat and tidy. We have done a pretty good job of it so far, as we learn the different elements to our various responsibilities.
Our responsibilities for this week are as follows:
and if we forget what needs to be done in order to complete our responsibility to a high standard, then we can read the details on the google doc - Explanation of Responsibilities, which we worked on as a class.
We are in training, Fartlek training...(fartlek is Swedish for 'Speed Play'), we are building up our fitness this term, despite the heat (running in 28 degrees was pretty tough yesterday), we are pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, but not in to the panic zone - where we feel sick and can injury ourselves.
In this heat, we need to be mindful of dehydration. A word or two about dehydration from an unknown source, but shared by Mr Codyre in Room 16...
Ditch Dehydration
Speaking of dehydration, water is just as important to unlocking your game power as food. When you sweat during exercise, it's easy to become overheated, headachy, and worn out — especially in hot or humid weather. Even mild dehydration can affect an athlete's physical and mental performance.
There's no one-size-fits-all formula for how much water to drink. How much fluid each person needs depends on the individual's age, size, level of physical activity, and environmental temperature.
Experts recommend that athletes drink before and after exercise as well as every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. Don't wait until you feel thirsty, because thirst is a sign that your body has needed liquids for a while. But don't force yourself to drink more fluids than you may need either. It's hard to run when there's a lot of water sloshing around in your stomach!
If you like the taste of sports drinks better than regular water, then it's OK to drink them. But it's important to know that a sports drink is really no better for you than water unless you are exercising for more than 60 to 90 minutes or in really hot weather. The additional carbohydrates and electrolytes may improve performance in these conditions, but otherwise your body will do just as well with water.
Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or juice because they could give you a stomachache while you're competing.
This week we have been learning about 'including others'. As there are lots of new people to our school, we like to do our best to make sure we include others when we do different activities.
On Monday, Mrs Bradshaw put us into teams (at random) of 4 and we had to colour in this picture of some dinosaurs...sounds easy enough, huh?
That's what we thought. But trying to include 4 people in colouring in one A4 piece of paper wan't without it's challenges.
Some challenges included - getting everyone involved all the time, agreeing on what colour to use, finding a range of pens and pencils to use and keeping pencils sharp.
But we did a pretty good job of dealing with those issues, like taking turns to colour in, dividing up the picture in to quarters and working on a quarter each, have different tasks for different people, colour chosers, colour-in-ers, pencil sharpeners and pencil colour finders. We all played a part in our team.
Our computers arrived in our classroom today and since then we have been busy setting up Dropbox, checking and responding to emails, writing about ourselves on Google Docs, creating Yellow Pages advertisements on Pages, as well as reading and commenting on our blog.
We are really looking forward to creating covers for our laptops, over the coming weeks, to really brighten the place up...and learn some new skills on Pages and Comic Life.
How many people can you name in the photos shown here?
In the afternoons we have Homeroom from 2.35 until 2.45pm. During this time we complete our responsibilities, fill in our Homework books, and then we can either silent read, shared read or play one of our Early finisher games.
This morning we watched a time lapse video of a girl from Birth to 12 years old. As a class we are going to try something similar, by taking a video of our class each morning. At the end of the year we will put all the videos together in a timelapse sequence, this will allow us to see how we have changed over the year. Here is today's first video:
What a great looking class!
Afterwards we put our thinking caps on and started developed ideas for our classname...our list of suggestions can be seen below. We haven't made a decision yet, so keep those ideas coming in via the comment box.
On Friday we were paired up with our new Thinking Buddies. If we are on the mat or at our desks we sit next to our thinking buddies. The first activity we did with our thinking buddies was the Ross Intermediate Scavenger Hunt. Within 15 minutes we were able to get most of the answers. How many answers do you think you could answer?
These are our Ross Values. When we show these Ross Values we can earn Choice Awards, and our move up the Privileges wall. Once we reach 120 credits, we get a free spin on the winning wheel. I wonder what we will win??
Today we had a look at the Ross Value - Compassion. We discussed the different ways we can show compassion at school and at home. Over the next two days we are going to be looking to see how people show compassion.
Here are some of the things we came up with...if you can think of some more add them to the comments box below.
Check the 'HOMEWORK' page to see what week 1's optional homework is.
What a great start to the year, meeting all the year 7s and their parents at conferences yesterday. I can tell we are going to have a great year. I am looking forward to meeting the year 8s and their parents this afternoon and tonight.
As you are all enthusiastic and ready to get started on some school work, have a go at the Current Events Quiz for this week. The quiz video does run through really quickly, so feel free to pause it and think about the answers before moving on. Answers are at the end of the video.
Once you have been through, test an adult at home and leave a comment with their results!
Further information on each question will be made available to you on Thursday.
I hope all the students in Room 2 and their families are enjoying the last few days of the holidays. Aren't we lucky to be still on holiday during this amazing weather, I think we must be one of the last schools to go back this year.
This week hasn't been all about rest and relaxation for the teachers at Ross Intermediate though, we have been busy organising an exciting year for you all.
Now is a good time to start thinking what opportunities you are going to make the most of this year at Ross Intermediate.
Here is a list some of the things that were available last year:
Sports Academy
Dance Academy
Maori Performing Arts
Gardening Club
Maggi Challenge
Speech competitions
Super Sport - Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Hockey,
Cultural Exchange
Harmony Choir
Ross Band
This year is all about getting involved, participating and contributing to Ross Intermediate - you get back what you put in!!
Please note, you need to be 13+ years to have a Facebook account, however, you do not need to log-in to Facebook in order to view the content of the Ross Intermediate School Facebook pages.
Would you like to win a 'Hunger Games' calendar?
The first person from Room 2 who can tell me what this Snap TV article is about, will win a 'Hunger Games' calendar on Thursday 7th February - first day of school.
To view, go to the Snap TV Facebook page, watch Room 6, Episode 3 to find out.