Friday, 1 February 2013

Getting ready for Day 1.

I hope all the students in Room 2 and their families are enjoying the last few days of the holidays.  Aren't we lucky to be still on holiday during this amazing weather, I think we must be one of the last schools to go back this year.

This week hasn't been all about rest and relaxation for the teachers at Ross Intermediate though, we have been busy organising an exciting year for you all. 

Now is a good time to start thinking what opportunities you are going to make the most of this year at Ross Intermediate.  

Here is a list some of the things that were available last year:

Sports Academy
Dance Academy
Maori Performing Arts
Gardening Club
Maggi Challenge
Speech competitions
Super Sport - Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Hockey, 
Cultural Exchange
Harmony Choir
Ross Band

This year is all about getting involved, participating and contributing to Ross Intermediate - you get back what you put in!! 

To keep up-to-date with the opportunities at Ross Intermediate visit our Ross Intermediate Facebook Page, our Snap TV Facebook page, and our Ross Intermediate website

Please note, you need to be 13+ years to have a Facebook account, however, you do not need to log-in to Facebook in order to view the content of the Ross Intermediate School Facebook pages.

Would you like to win a 'Hunger Games' calendar? 
The first person from Room 2 who can tell me what this Snap TV article is about, will win a 'Hunger Games' calendar on Thursday 7th February - first day of school. 
To view, go to the Snap TV Facebook page, watch Room 6, Episode 3 to find out. 
Answers to be left in 'Comments' box.


  1. they travel to weleington zoo and meet two hyper active guests from thee ellen show and take a look at the day of a zookeeper

    by: kaleb s

  2. amys amazing trip, 7 countries in 21 days.

  3. Nice try Kaleb s, but the Hunger Games calendar will be going to Nathanial Ross for his correct answer. Well done, Nathanial.

  4. Thank-you i forgot when you asked me
