Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Fractions - how many ways can we show 3/4?

This morning Miss Peters and Mrs Bradshaw were team teaching Fractions. Before we started learning about - using patterns to find fractions of shapes and sets or converting a fraction to any equivalent fraction we had 5 minutes to write down all the different ways we could show 3/4.

Here is a sample of what we came up with:

Through doing this 'hotspot' we found out that we have a few experts in this class - some were experts in equivalent fractions, others were already experts in using decimals, some used discrete data, others used continuous.

Last week we did something similar using Padlet:

How many ways can you show 4/5? Write them down in our comments box below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I quite like how we do a different fraction everyday. I normally just do the pictures and equivalent fractions. But sometimes the percentage.
    I like how sometimes we do it on a padlet and sometimes in out books. What skills is this building? Is it teaching us more about fractions? Where did you get the idea of starting to do this from?
    I recon we should start getting into harder fractions.

    Keely Puklowski
    Power Of 2 (Room 2)
    Ngata Team
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
    New Zealand
