Friday, 27 September 2013

Teachers' Onesie Friday @ Ross Intermediate

Thanks to Miss Tetera and Miss Gibson suggestion - a way to MAKE THEIR DAY for the kids at Ross Intermediate, the teachers got dressed up in Onesies.  Can you work out which teacher is which?? Who is in the Skeleton Onesie?


  1. It is Mrs Jones...

  2. Hi, That was a entertaining way to end the term. I liked all the onesie they all were cool. :D


  3. I thought a teacher onesie day was a Brilliant idea!
    Who came up with the idea of having a teachers only onesie day?
    I reacon one day students should have a onesie day! That would be cool!
    I really like the dinosaur onesies and the unicron and cow onesies.
    I think it's creative how Mrs Loverage blew up a glove and stuck it on her onesie and made out like it was an atter. :)

    Keely Puklowski
    Ngata House
    Room 2 (The Power Of 2)
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
    New Zealand

    1. Miss Tetera and Miss Gibson came up with this great idea!

  4. Haha, this did make my day. You should do stuff like this more often, then school might be a bit funner to go to.
    Did the teacher bring their own onezies or did the office give them to you?

    Room 2
    Ross Intermediate
    Palmerston North
    New Zealand

    1. SOme staff had their own onesies, other borrowed off friends and family members. Miss Tetera and Miss Gibson had an assortment of Onesies to share.

  5. I thought the onesie thing was funny but it would of been better if the students got to wear onesies as well.
    I liked the unicorn and cow onesies the most.
    I reckon there should be more days like this but the students can be involved as well.

    ROSS Intermediate.

    1. Great idea, Tiaana. We will take that into consideration.

  6. That looked really fun I like the idea of a onesie day my favourite onesie is the cow and I think its really cool how Mrs Loverage blew up a glove to use it as an udder! Now thats cool! But I do reckon that one day they should do A teacher and student onesie day. I wish I was there!

    Kate Carter
    Ross Intermediate
    Room 14 ( one 4 all )
    Batten house
